The tree is vigorous with average growth and a marked tendency to horizontal or downward ramification, giving it a typically close appearance.
On the bitter orange the trunk develops little more than the rootstock, while the opposite applies on Troyer or Poncirus with typical ribbing. The leaves are large and dark green. The flowers have cream-coloured anthers, without pollen. The fruit is ovoid, flattened or elliptic, dark orange tending to reddish when ripe, and medium large (120-150g), with a more prominent navel according to the consistency of the fruit. The flesh is fine and firm in texture, of exceptional quality, and seedless. The fruit ripens between mid-December and March. Production is average to good and alternate, and the ripe fruit remains on the tree for a medium period. Fruit bearing begins from the fourth or fifth year, and reaches a good level of production at the eighth year after planting.