Grevillea 'Poorinda Rondeau' is said to be a cross between G lavandulacea and G. baueri. The cross was made by Mr L Hodge at his property of W Tree near Buchan, Victoria in the early 1960's. The origin of the name is obscure.
A dense shrub form 1-1.3m tall by 1m wide. The leaves are crowded on the stems, entire and slightly the new growth is bronze. The upper leaf surface is rough whilst the underside is silky hairy. The leaf margins are rolled under. The flowers are found in small terminal clusters on short branchlets along the stems and the perianth is rose-red, becoming white on the perianth limbs. The style is red and about 20mm long. The pollen presenter is a green colour. Flowers throughout the winter, spring and summer months.
The foliage colour is very similar to G. baueri and is not as prickly as G. lavandulacea. The plant has a more compact habit than the parents.
Grevillea 'Poorinda Rondeau' should be grown in a sunny well drained position. It is frost hardy and drought tolerant. The cultivar must be grown by vegetative means to preserve the cultivar form. It is best suited to temperate climates.